Jada's 2021 Melee Notes

Sheik vs. Captain Falcon

almost never wd in neutral, be ready to react w/ shield vs stomp and knee, asdi down dd, don't challenge falcon coming down from high up bc you can't stuff his aerials, retreating bair and instant nair, never fair, stay very mobile and grounded, don't needle - get close to falcon and do lots of timing mixups


Pip's video on the edgeguard

Stuff from faceroll s2j and mango event

slide off vs stomp

nair when it will for sure hit falcon off stage & you will have time to edgeguard

Current Stuff to Work

SDI dash falcon late single hit nair behind to play a mix up of they have to turn around grab or instant grab

fh up air through falcon back side of shield on plat

fh over falcon to pressure the back of their shield

can d throw f tilt DI in at like 40%

fh / sh needle and tilts to force falcon to fh / use plats(?)

figure out how to deal w/ gentleman and fh bair

light shields & shield tilts

watch for get up attack on plats

falcon will dj to beat up tilt and some rising aerials

can nair vs falcon in air at 30% (falcon will be forced to land)

up tilt => opener vs falcon jumping at 0 to 50%

f tilt => catch falcon jump / drifts, knocks down 30%, use at mid %s

d tilt => catch falcon at mid to high %s for kills



Dashdance vs. Falcon in neutral
Dashdance to whiff punish knee
Up tilt vs. dash jump stomp
ASDI Down dashdance to f tilt vs. Falcon nair
Slow fall short hop fair vs. Falcon nair
Aerials to lock Falcon down


Rising nair vs. cornered Falcon
Down throw f tilt vs. Falcon by ledge
Up smash to tech chase Falcon in corner
Up tilt on shield to dashdance grab


ASDI Down Tech in Place vs. stomp
Bad fair trade with Falcon nair


Needle vs. Falcon recovering DJ
Edgeguard vs. Falcon airdodge
Back throw dropdown bair edgeguard vs. Falcon
Up air vs. Falcon recovering nair
Good bair trade with Falcon recovering nair for an edgeguard


  1. When Falcon is at low %s, grabs are the priority.

    • Be mobile on the ground to look for DD boost grab chances. Don't WD in close range, you'll get caught in the lag.
    • Run cancel uptilt and sometimes f tilt is strong vs Falcon here as well when getting under his aerials.
    • SH falling fair and bair to swat falcon out of the air for damage and sometimes into grabs is also key. Be ready to SDI nair 1 up to get out as well.
  2. Falcon's CC game is extremely strong in this matchup, Sheik wants to get him into the air, force him back down, and then get a grab. When low and mid %s, you can use plats to get Falcon into the air. Avoid getting shield poked, especially if at mid / higher %s. Can empty SH ff when grounded to prompt Falcon to take to the air as well.

  3. Falcons love nair to wall out Sheik when you're doing the SH falling fair/bairs. Can rising fair / other aerials vs. this. Crouch and run cancel crouch to CC tilt or grab is solid vs. this. Watch out for Falcon's pull back stomps, FH and instant DJ FF knees vs. grab and f tilt. They'll DD to force you to act and try to whiff punish as well.

  4. Can full stack needle when Falcon is at low%s and falling aerial needle when moving around plats, but generally needles aren't great. Don't rising charge them on plats, you'll get up aired. Don't single grounded needle, you'll get knee or stomped from a dash SH.

  5. When Falcon is >= 30%, f tilt will knock down and leads to more direct punishes. F tilt can be used before this but will lead to pseudo followups. Do not be careless with f tilt, Falcon's are looking to whiff punish and CC f tilts constantly.

  6. When Falcon is >= 50%, nair will knock down and is useful to stuff Falcon and defensivly in scrambles. Rising bair is also a similarly good option. SH falling fair will also start to knockdown and start pressure situations.

  7. Core concept is locking Falcon down in scrambles. Sheik's aerials and tilts are faster than Falcon's. Forcing them into shield and stuff their moves is key. Grabs will be the key to this at lower %s, then mid and high %s, tilts and aerials will directly set this up.

  8. In more even scrambles, watch for Falcon's gentleman, after his landings and after techs. Falcon's will mix up timings with CC and stomp as well. Sheik can mix up run up grab, rising aerial, tilts, crouch. Can also dash back and wait for their immediate action as well.

  9. Combo to get Falcon off stage. Rinse and repeat bair edgeguard. When Falcon is mid %, a fair or d smash can send him off, keep up the pressure by following and finishing with rising nair / fair or grab ledge.

  10. When in the corner, be patient. Watch for aggresive knee when > 40%. They're looking for roll in / catch you in wd lag. Staying grounded, quick jump to plat, and dash through are all good ideas.

  11. When >= 80%, avoiding grab is key. It's Falcon's easiest / direct kill route. Be mindful of Falcon's run in grab and DD whiff punish grab. Generally avoid going to plats as well because the risk of stray aerials. Primarily stay mobile on the ground, SH fair/bair, tilts if applicable.

  12. Falcon's biggest opener is grab.

    • < 40% ish they'll down throw, DI down and away
    • for 40 to 80, do no DI then do DI down and away vs the up air / nair
    • for >= 80% knee hits combo DI
    • for >= 120%, DI behind, they have to up air or bair, knee won't reach


Sheik knocks down Falcon:

Falcon knocks down Sheik: