Jada's 2021 Melee Notes

Sheik vs. Fox

nair oos vs drill, actually just run away on plats when fox is low%


zamu leson notes

threat of boost grab - want fox to be afraid of this

walk forward, wd back vs dd heavy fox

don't want to be directly above fox

can move between side and top plat to get fox to go up

up tilt instead of f tilt, harder to whiff punish

mess w/ wd back up tilt, use 2nd hit like you would f tilt

up tilt, high reward, low risk hold down during up tilt

if fox reads jumps from side plat to top plat, can go to ground

use grounded needles vs grounded fox when he's doing like nair in place / laser

watch fox on the ground very very closely

fox can only drift so far w/ full hop - early nair

fh immediate nair from fox, fadeback or to plat, can stay under side plat

knowing when fox can dj to a plat during a full hop

be more patient!!

don't have to interact w/ fox fh

fh isn't busted as an approach, but good bc it goes over your approach

can read fox fh oos when they're cornered

can try to challenge fox full hop on occasion to keep them honest

fox can run cancel up tilt / sh up air to catch sheik jumping - want to get directly under sheik

review when i get caught by uptilt, when it's happening

sh waveland back to center of side plat, then maybe to go to corner and fight out of there(?)

knowing what i'm communicating in neutral, reacting well vs fox on ground

when on plat, when and where it's ok to leave plats

fox shine spike mixups

sheik recovery journey

  1. cody bair part
  2. shine spark part
  3. getting on stage part

joshman fiction lesson

notes from session w/ lexor

get better at airdodging to side plat into instant shield / asdi down(?)

watch for fox uptilt to catch bad ledge dashes

fox likes to fh aerial when sheik is > 55%

watch for cringe nair shine to catch you jumping and get you off stage when early % in the corner

when on plat and fox does up air to shield poke - counterplay?

notes from random good sheik vs my fox roll thru vs cross up cringe nair good ff ac fairs think about landing mixups (like when fox lands) need to make fox jump around plats

look into weak falling nair vs cc

get more used to uptilt on shield mixups

watch for roll away when landing good aerial on fox shield

how to beat cody bair(?)

24% - seal knows f tilt down

uptilt knocks down at 45%, first it

you can't hit fox, let fox hit himself

make yourself hard to hit

take space very carefully

grab in place vs run in shine

up smash oos vs cross up dash attack

bair is better when you have the space, mix up the bair

instant bair in scrambles catch cringe nair

fh nair oos to a plat when under vs low % fox

charge needles vs camping laser

if bad back air spacing, can throw needle as back up

sheik up tilt is good vs fox chasing you

sheik good in neutral when fox is chasing you around plats

back when far, mix up short up stuff, fair when close, boost grab run in approaches

pivot grab backwards to beat shine and grab

jump to condition shield

avoid grab

tech in place can f tilt to force them to miss tech

when does jab knock down?

empty hop, empty movement in neutral

nair coming off plats, dash off nair plats

d throw f tilt vs DI in on d throw, like 80%

watch for fox's oos options

up smash oos vs dash through / early close nair

play grounded

don't chase fox around plats

grind wave shine sdi

fox dash dance, fh aerial, sh aerial vs. sheik boost grab, walk, crouch, bair, f tilt, sometimes fair

jmook uses a lot of crouch + wd f tilt

asdi down and buffer shield and DI Full out vs up throw dash nair up tilt

get better and baiting or cc/asdi down vs uptilt

be smart w/ DI during adhoc combos - wiggle out ff to plat, waveland, etc

Spark Tech Chasing Info

fox up air is stuff is THE thing as fox vs sheik

sh slowfall => 3f jumpsquat + 38f air + 4f landing => 45f total sh fastfall => 3f jumpsquat + 27f air + 4f landing => 34f total f19 is earliest fastfall

fh slowfall => 3f jumpsquat + 50f air + 4f landing => 57f total fh fastfall => 3f jumpsquat + 37f air + 4f landing => 44f total f25 is earliest fastfall

dj => 50f air f26 is earliest fastfall

fox will alternate between 1 and 3s 1 == cringe nair, nair in place (1 beat actions) 3 == dash f, dash b, then sh nair / running shine OR 3 == fh falling aerial

fox can't react to true whiff punish sheik for her spacing stuff, but can play favorable mixups with 1s and 3s

Notes from Ben at GMO: Spring 2022

back air right after back flip off stage, sh full drift off

walk back air

d smash when fox is in corner at would get knocked down

d tilt to anti air early sh nair in place(?)

Zamu Lesson Notes

vs. low % Fox

vs Fox up throw



Knockdowns vs. Sheik Airborne

Fox's Back Air- 35% Fox's Neutral Air - 39%

Knockdowns vs. Sheik ASDI Down

Fox's Back Air - 33% Fox's Neutral Air - 38%

Knockdowns vs. Sheik True CC

Fox's Back Air - 66% Fox's Neutral Air - 77%

watch for uptilts on shield to catch jump outs

buffer rolls / be ready to dash back when at low% vs pseudo follow ups (fox's get lots of grabs this way)

don't jump nearly as much when fox is dd / has access to dash to cringe nair

when does dair knock down / lose to asdi down tech or cc? (seemed to get openings via sh slow fall/sh ff dair vs cringe nair and dair in neutral)

Bair, grab, and needles when fox is low / low-mid %s

wiggle SDI vs drill!

up throw up air isn't the same timing always

god fox is so fast its unreal

boost grab vs. ad hoc tech chases too

jab to catch jumps oos and then immediate grab

cc ftilt vs bair wall!!

play for the kills!

up tilt uses(?):