Jada's 2021 Melee Notes

Sheik vs. Jigglypuff

be patient with crouching puff and puff up air/ uptilt stuff, needle down tilt is safer than grab stuff / jumping, study puffs fh up air and fh / dj aerials and how they work with plats, study ben VODs, bair more? See how fh bair does vs stuff

f tilt!!, bair wars, needle and down tilt when puff crouch, way less nair / fair stuff vs crouching puff, use plats more to be spamming good aerials, d smash to anti air(?)


wait out the jumps

needle spam is so good!!!

dont be afraid to dash back when you have the space to

cc / asdi down is super important in scrambles

nair oos great vs cross ups

up tilt vs puff platform stuff, be aware of how you are swinging vs puff shielding (what direction they are facing, %s)

nair seems to be good to combo break

soft bair into fair seems good for getting kills

jab and d tilt into up air / fair as well

be aware of the falling fair to catch you pre-poof ledge grabbing

General Concepts

Puff is going to crouch spam at low %. They'll cc grab and wd to force whiffs and then grab / f smash to punish. They'll also call out jumps with up air, wd in up tilt when you're grounded. Charge needle, space bair and fair, can also just not engage.

Watch for puff FH up air / FH DJ up air, be aware of that range when moving around plats

Sheik's aerials are just faster and bigger and puffs honestly.

i think sheik crouch is SUPER good vs. puff

nair fair spam is good, when sheik is below 20% especially, after it, mix in dash backs, crouch if behind, f tilt if behind, etc.

dair vs puff up tilt, drift to be behind them


Misc. Situations



HiFi 6/21