Jada's 2021 Melee Notes

Sheik vs. Marth


khryke juicebox notes

ac fair vs them being on plats / wave land off fair

bair vs d tilts, think about where they are gonna d tilt (around edge of their zone) - be willing to take space as they give it to you via dash backs, use walk, empty jumps

spotdodge into up tilts

Using needle, fair, and dashdance vs. Marth in neutral
Walling bairs vs. cornered Marth
SDI up and away vs. Marth up throw up tilt

back flip bairs vs marth in corner(?) at ow to mid %s(?)

drop ledge dj fade back ff to weave around marth up b

shield vs nair

go to plats to avoid the tech chase & marth asdi dd game

vs slow fall ac nair => nair oos after shield stun

late nair => c d tilt, stuff it

ff ac nair => dash through, shield to buffer roll

stuff aerials w/ nair (or d smash?) when f tilt and dtilt pop up too high, otherwise only do quick nairs for early % during psuedo followups (??)


  1. In neutral, generally be just outside the edge of Marth's dashdance + d tilt. He is safest on the ground due to his dashdance and CC. He'll set up his zone with d tilt and fair. Don't get impatient vs. Marth dashdance spam.

  2. Sheik can set up zone with:

    • needle charge / needle stacks
    • mix up sh fair drifts with ff / no ff
    • f tilt / d tilt as marth starts to jump (mid %)
  3. Marths will fair (and sometimes nair) in place or forward to call out sh fair / bair / needles. Catch these with crouch f tilt / d tilt and dash attack.

  4. Almost never go for raw boost grab attempts, especially at lower % and when he has space. Get grabs from whiff punishes and forcing Marth into shield, and occasionally by cornering him.

  5. Once Marth reaches mid / high %, force him into shield and catch his escape options.

    • Fair pressure to crouch, react to jump OOS or rolls.
    • F tilt / up tilt if close to back of shield
    • Tomahawk to tilts and grab
  6. Marth will aim to get grabs by forcing Sheik into shield or catching landings. Abuse CC and be mobile at low and mid %.

  7. Use plats to escape Marth pressure & avoid grabs, mix it up, dash to shield then WD out or shield drop. Sparingly use plats for approaches with fair/bair and needles.

  8. Marth will try to call out plat movement and jumps with fair, up air, and up tilt. DI to get to plats, weave between hits. Mix up landings with nair, rare dair, dj, ff, etc.

  9. For recovery, aim to mix up landing just on stage w/ the weird ECB thing and going to ledge. Can also up b down to land on stage and then hold down to try to ASDI down tech to avoid some nairs / getting popped up by up air. Generally just take the f smash and retry.

  10. For edgeguards, needles to annoy and repeat sami stall. Can bair if they don't have jump / are sloppy. Once forced to stage, reverse nair or ledge dash turnaround grab. Can also dair to up air / fair


Marth > 25% => dash attack, up air Marth > 30% => f tilt Marth > 45% => fair, nair, d tilt

Sheik > 0% => up tilt, f smash Sheik > 15% => nair Sheik > 20% => fair Sheik > 55% => d tilt

Grab on 12/27/21

never go to plats during recovery, good marths will tipper you every single time

be aware of marth wd d tilt vs run cancel d tilt

grab was able to kill early / effectively bc he pushed me to the edges and then off stage w/ d tilt wall and slow fall sh fairs

marth will tend to d tilt more when he has stage control, when cornered the risk of a fair over it is too much, they will dash dance heavily

crouch / wd down right outside of d tilt range

cc grab close up landing fairs

dash away more when i have space

you have to SDI up and out vs. the uptilt off up throw when you're in the 20s%

dash through f smash to get a knockdown at low % or when cornered

marth d tilt almost feels like falco lasers tempo wise