Jada's 2021 Melee Notes

Sheik vs. Peach


llod notes

notes vs matt at moal 400

peach running off plat in to djc nair back to hit me chasing them

need to be preceise with ff and bair to get early stray hits low ff bair, early slow falling bair can lose to d smash

stop dairing vs grounded peach!!

peach will use fair to take space, especially when she has center / you're cornered

peach will use d smash to check your ledge dash, you trying to dash through when cornered

peach will d tilt when cornered to beat bad fairs / grabs

peaches love to use every inch of space when cornered & sh drift back off stage to float or djc back in mixups

can mix in roll when dealing with sh height turnip throw nair at low %

more tomahawks vs grounded shielding peach

Peach using float cancel bair d smash when both on plat
Peach uses extended floats
Peach using bair to edgeguard
Tomahawk Waveland Grab vs. high % Peach
Threaten Peach recovering float to force them to ledge
Be aware of buffered float counterhits
Drag down needles
Stray bairs vs. Peach on plat
Watch for low % aerials catching double jump into down smash
Peach will always powershield down smash lazy dairs
atch for Peach full hop turnip throw float to challenge side plat positioning
Watch for Peach full hop nair to challenge plat movement


  1. In neutral, generally be just outside Peach immediate dash attack range. Stay grounded mostly, force their approach and prevent turnip pulling. Bait approaches with shield, needle charge, wd down. Set up zone with f tilt and aerial walls. Can FH vs. their extended floats, aerial or FF drift back to retreat to plat or ground

  2. Peach's crouch cancel and counter hits with djc and nair in the air are very strong. Carefully build % via:

    • Needle stacks
    • boost grab callouts
    • Spaced bair/fair
  3. Peach has a strong shield pressure game. Be patient in Sheik's amazing shield. Mix up / stagger timings for rolls and jumps OOS. It's okay to eat a few grabs if they don't lead directly to edgeguards. Peach will go for FH aerials vs jumps, but you can FH instant DJ to get away fast to a plat.

  4. Force Peach into the air by:

    • Threatening boost grab callouts
    • Grounded needle spam
    • Walling out with f tilt and bair / fair
    • Going to plats
  5. Peach will set up extended floats in neutral

    • High float for fair => FH fair/bair or wait out
    • Mid float bair wall => Dash/roll under or rising fair/bair
    • Low-Mid float nair => D tilt/f tilt or jump over/away
  6. Peach is willing to sit and dashdance for a while as well, will pull back to pull a turnip or jump to start a float. Dash attack can be useful for catching both of these. Peach will do fake extended floats into DJC aerial often as well. CC grab / tilts / d smash work as well as just dashing away or jump over.

  7. Goal is to use Sheik's faster vertical and ground speed to force peach to chase you and weave around her aerial approaches. Mix up leaving plats with run off aerials/needle, ff mixups, running shield drops, staying on plats, etc. Be very aware of Peach FH nair to catch movement and not spacing aerials well vs. Peach CC.

  8. If they get a turnip, stay patient and don't force a bad approach. They'll set up a wall / do throw into immediate aerial. Shield to retreat vs aerial, shield to callout vs additional pull. Bair through aerial throw.

  9. Can get lots of % via repeat edgeguards and keeping peach off stage/on ledge. Use bair walls, stay patient vs. DJC, floats, and airdodges.

  10. Kills are going to come in 3 forms:

    • D tilt / f tilt / grab / jab to up air / fair
    • Catching Peach with misc. aerials
    • Edgeguard / "gimps" with catching their DJ / float with fair / needles


Peach > 25% => dash attack, up air Peach > 30% => f tilt Peach > 45% => fair, nair, d tilt

Shiek > 0% => Dash attack, fair Sheik > 20% => nair