Jada's 2021 Melee Notes

Sheik vs. Pikachu

Pikachu's defense vs. chaingrab

bair when u see the white flash from up b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZsrdLlC64g

big thing is pika spamming nair timings for cross ups into a mix up

pika will d tilt to stuff just run up boost grab vs. dd stuff, ok to threaten occasionally

sheik seems to want to stay grounded w/ asdi down dash dance, main threats vs. that are grab and up air, which pika kinda has to set up for either of them to be consistently effective

sheik wants to track movement and get grabs when possible

sheik can weak bair like vs fox cringe nair

sheik can also needle into boost grab, grab is high reward

then mid to high percent can start to do like:

want to get kills via d tilt to up air or stay patient to get d throw kill or jab fair


Sheik dashdance with shield stops to reverse shield grab crossup nair
Pika will d smash landings
Pika will poke with d tilt
Sheik dashdance to reverse shield grab
Pika is looking for dashdance grabs vs. f tilt
Jab fair is strong at high percents
Roll vs. cross up nair into corner is really good for stage positioning
Pika full hop fair can catch full hop and platform movement
Pika can upward angle f tilt vs fair
Slide off vs. nair when they don't have time to grab or up smash
F tilt & bair neutral sequence
Track Pika's movement with a boost grab call out
Needle & run off bair vs Pika
Plat set up vs. Pika by other side plat

my pika thoughts

fair to catch them jumping at low%s

pika d tilt wd back avoid shield grab

pika can up throw into nair-> up smash or upair-> up smash off up throw w/ side plats

d tilt to keep them honest about running in dash attack / grabbing

pika can dd grab / dd up smash vs f tilt and nair

sheik back is good to wall but pika can probs run into cc the weak hit

sheik wants d tilt to upair/fair or d throw to fair/upair or even jab to fair

lots of d smash to catch landings / weak aerials

pika will almost always live long, stay patient

pika will tech chase w/ up smash when it kills

sheik needles are great sheik will nair often, weak nair vs your nair at mid-high %s

pika can up throw

pika gameplan ideas

kill conditions

sheik vs. pika

pika vs. Sheik

True CC Sheik >= 125% - d tilt Sheik >= 65% - nair

Knock downs Sheik >= 65% - d tilt Sheik >= 30% - nair

Pika >= 110% - d tilt Pika >= 85% - f tilt Pika >= 65% - d smash

Knockdown Pika >= 45% - d tilt Pika >= 25% - Ftilt Pika >= 20% - d smash

Kill %s Sheik vs. Pika up air d throw height => 130% fair center stage bf => 135%

Pika vs. Sheik up smash center of bf => 80%